X-cart is the powerfull shopping cart platform existing since around 2000.
During these years X-cart has released several types of paltforms - Xcart classic, Lite-commerce with the major difference of the development stack used. Xcart classic is also known as X-cart 4 and Lite-commerce or LiteCommerce as X-cart next or just XCart 5.
LiteCommerce and it's later releases LiteCommerce2 is no question got more scalability which provides more opportunity to Sellers. Thus, in comparison to X-Cart 4, LiteCommerce or just LC proved more frequient choice to start selling online. That's why first LiteCommerce3 was released which is based on principles of LiteCommerce2 and tested it on a narrow group of clients. As a result, X-Cart 5 platform was released which is based on LiteComemrce3. In other words, X-Cart 5 is a newer version of LiteCommerce2. X-Cart 5 has the same logic, very easy module installation and upgrade process, just in one click. Each module enables a certain feature, so it can be easily enabled or disabled.
Also, X-Cart 5 has a mobile-friendly design that adapts to any screen size.
In other words, LiteCommerce is the legacy platform, X-Cart 5 is nowadays the flagman platform.
Our dev team, designers, QA team, and others are constantly working on keeping X-Cart 5 powerful, stable, competitive, and the best e-commerce solution. X-Cart 5 is the future of stable ecomerce.
We talk about XCart on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI3s57v8Ukc&list=PLEZgknqdd1nCdDh9gfoiHScdRAxmGwfbN and look forward to your comments and questions, thanks
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Got time to discover the technical specification of XC5 please review it here or just drop us a line to discuss your project and the opportunities of selling online